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Why this website?

Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong learned through his experience in advertising that asking a question was an effective way to get people’s attention.

His booklets always contained titles such as: “Does God Exist?”; “Why Were You Born?”; “Just What Do You Mean—Born Again?” and “Where Is the True Church?” These titles had a way of generating interest in the minds of people concerning very important biblical topics; and so, as Matthew24Signs launches its new website, it is important to ask the following question, “Why This Website?”

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When Mr. Armstrong died on January 16, 1986, the organization God founded through him called the Worldwide Church of God stood strong under his leadership. A look at the numbers for the last full year of Mr. Armstrong’s life reflects the power of God’s work through him.

In his Co-worker letter dated January 1986, Mr. Armstrong recounts the amount of Church literature mailed out or distributed by the Worldwide Church of God in proclaiming the gospel to the world as a witness for the year 1985.

The Plain Truth magazine: 74 million copies The Good News magazine: 7 million copies The Youth 85 magazine: 2 million copies The Correspondence Course: +1 million copies

Now, 28 years after Mr. Armstrong’s death, look at God’s Church today. It is splintered and fractured into numerous groups with many members having left God’s Church altogether. The ministry itself is splintered and fractured, at odds with one another over who should be in charge. This has led to the spiritual condition of God’s Church which Christ describes before His 2nd Coming in Revelation 3.

“And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish were cold or hot. So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will (am about to) vomit you out of my mouth” (verses 14a, 15-16).

Why is Christ saying this to God’s Church?

“Because you say, I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing—and do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked—“ (verse 17)

This is a stinging indictment against God’s Church right before Jesus Christ returns.

So, what message should God’s Church be hearing today? Christ provides the answer in verse 19.

“As many as I love I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be[come] zealous and repent.”

This is generally not the message God’s people are hearing in the final era of His Church today.

So why this website called Matthew24Signs?

This website is solely for the benefit of God’s Church. It is not a website designed to reach people of this world. It has been developed to locate in one place all of Matthew24Signs videos, which were originally posted on YouTube; thereby providing a means of distributing spiritual nourishment to God’s people scattered all around the world, and showing God’s Truth is alive and well today. It also provides God’s Church with the opportunity to see it is not too late to repent and be spared the punishments of Great Tribulation soon to descend on this earth (Luke 21:34-36; Rev. 12:14).

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